Oilfield Equipment Appraisals
Oilfield Equipment Appraisal Services
Freelance Appraisals Group Inc. experienced Accredited Appraisers provides accurate asset appraisals in the oil and gas industry, on such items as oilfield equipment, gas and production facility equipment, construction machinery, vehicles of all types, shop equipment, as well as office furniture & fixtures. Upon appraising your tangible assets, we will put together a comprehensive data report for you to use for asset based lending, buying or selling equipment, merger or acquisition, defending taxation issues or keeping your internal accounting in order.
Contact Us
Expert Experience
Freelance Appraisals has experience appraising an extremely varied range of oil and gas related equipment; drilling & well service rig companies, a range of surface production equipment and facilities, coil tubing units, vacuum trucks, hydrovac trucks, pressure trucks, water transfer equipment, SCM twin pumpers, nitrogen equipment, standard earthmoving equipment for site surface preparation, including bulldozers & excavators, oil and gas pipeline equipment, cranes, trucks, trailers, and many other assets. With our experience of appraising custom fabricated oil & gas equipment we understand the details and intricate structure of this type of machinery & equipment, which allows us to accurately determine the true value according to current market conditions.
Oil & Gas Equipment
Trust Freelance Appraisals for an accurate appraisal of your oil & gas machinery and equipment. Whether it’s drilling, pumping, service equipment, or field machinery, we can provide you with a clear and detailed appraisal report on your assets that you can rely upon. Please call us today for a quote on your appraisal needs.
Oil & Gas Appraisal Services
Freelance Appraisals is able to help determine the value of your equipment:
- Drilling Rigs
- Workover Rigs
- Production Test Vessels
- Natural Gas Compressors
- Oil & Gas Process Facilities
- Oilfield Site Maintenance Companies
- Oilfield Equipment Rental Companies
We provide our services to asset based lending institutions, capital lease companies, as well as oil, gas, and drilling companies that need an accurate measure of their assets.
Put your trust in over 23 years of appraisal experience with new and used drilling and production equipment. Freelance Appraisals is here to offer precise and up-to-date market appraisals so you know what you have, and we can do it for you promptly.

What You Can Expect to See in an Appraisal Report
- Independent, unbiased opinion of the value of your asset which is fully supported and defensible
- Value of definitions to serve as the basis of your item’s appraised value.
- A clear appraisal statement that describes the scope, purpose, value definitions, and asset definitions
- Full descriptions of each item, including the year, make, model, VIN or serial number, accompanying photographs, and unique identifying factors
- Observational descriptions of the item’s overall condition, age, and remaining potential usefulness
- A detailed explanation of the appraisal methodology, including how the determined value is reached, as well as the research techniques used
- A description of factors affecting the value of the assets, whether physical or economic
- Your Appraiser’s credentials, including qualifications, experience, and resources
Why Choose Us
Freelance Appraisal Group Inc. has been retained by large service rig and drilling companies to appraise assets each year to ensure the proper values are related to their equipment. Our appraisals reports pass under the scrutiny of asset based lenders and our reports are provided to major audit groups.
Major drilling and servicing contractors in the oil and gas industry have relied upon Freelance Appraisal Group Inc. year in and year out to clarify their ever-changing and often confusing asset lists for their lenders, auditors and internal accounting and control. Freelance Appraisal Group Inc. has well-established relationships with major asset based lenders and lease companies over two plus decades.

Types of Oilfield Related Business & Equipment Appraised
- Air Compressors & Boosters
- Anchor Trucks
- Acid Trucks
- Bed Trucks
- Coil Tubing Units
- Coil Tubing Spoolers
- Common Air Booster
- Cyclonic Jet Cement Mixers
- Derrick Dolly
- Dewatering Centrifuges
- Directional Drilling Tools
- Double Ender Accommodations
- Drilling Rigs
- Elevators & Slips
- Flock Tanks
- Flushby Trucks
- Generator Sets
- Geologist Well Site Lab
- Hot Oil Trucks
- Hot Shot Trucks
- Hydro Vac Trucks
- Hydraulic Power Packs
- Industrial Medical Equipment
- Industrial Fire Fighting Equipment
- Jeep 16 Wheeler
- Laydown Trucks
- Nitrogen Generation Units
- Oilfield Service Trucks
- Oilfield Float Trailers
- Picker & Crane Trucks
- Pipeline Service Equipment
- Pigging Equipment
- Portable Waste Water Trucks
- Portable Waste Water Treatment Facilities
- Portable Man Camps
- Power Catwalks
- Pressure Trucks
- Pressure Testing Equipment
- Rig Mats
- Scissorneck Trailers
- Service Rigs Packages
- Shale Bins
- Skidded Engineer
- Sour Sealed Trucks &
- Trailers
- Steam Trucks
- Swabbing Units
- Swing Crane Trucks
- Texas Bed Trucks
- Tong Trucks
- Torque Monitoring Systems
- Twin Cement Pumper
- Power Tongs
- Vacuum Trucks
- Water Hauling Trucks
- Water Pumping and Transfer Equipment
- Well Site Trailers
- Wireline Trucks & Date Logging Trucks
- Winch Tractors
Contact Freelance Appraisals for information about the value of your machinery and equipment.